Monday, May 11, 2009

RESPECT is not that expensive !

Yes ,, it's not expensive ,, in fact ,, it's free ,,
it's something that will make people like you and respect you also
especially if it came out of your Professor ,, it will show you how much you worth to him and how much a valued student you are ,, even if you're not that good student


in Kuwait University ,, appearantley ,, " SOME " Profs. are asking to be Straightned Up :)
Today ,, is the class the F***** Prof. was teaching us Hyponomy and Co-Hyponomy ,, that's something I don't like and even I don't understand .. this F***** Prof. is not efficent ,, I didn't understand anything of what he said since the begining of the semester ,, although I'm trying hard to understand the subject but when I study the book i always find myself LOST !!
back to the F***** Prof. , always when I ask this F***** Prof. it seems to him that I'm asking him for money or some estates !! for God sake I'm trying to understand your subject !! and the problem is he always say " no questions ? no arguments ? " ,, today when he was explaining the Hyponomy and Co-Hyponomy ,, I got lost in the middle between them ,, it's just confusing !! ,, so I asked him humbly " Sir ,, is this hyponomy or co-hyponomy ? " ,, he showed me that Cheesy-Ass look that he is famous of and said " whaaat ? :/ " so I repeated my question ,, he was giving us examples about animals and plants so he went directly to the dog and said " THE DOG is a kind of animals " ,, it may sounds normal but while he was saying this ,, he was pointing at me !! @@ ,, and the guys in the back cracked up !! ,, he insulted me !! he insulted me !!
I remained silent till the end of the lecture ,, and when I got out of the class a guy of the ones who laughed came and ask me with a big smile on his face " why he called you dog ,, it was one hell of an indirect insult " ,, SO I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SAW and FELT IT !!

I got mad ,, anybody in my situation will get mad ,, but what can I do for God sake !! nothing !! yes ,, nothing at allllllll
when I came home my mother saw that look on my face and asked me " what's wrong ? " I told her everything ,, she got worried on me because I was mad and I was cursing this F***** Prof. in every way I know !! what ?? don't I even have the right to curse him ??
but I swore that someday I'll teach this bastard a lesson ,, she told me to calm down and Curse the Devil ,, why should I ? to calm down ? I don't want to calm down !!
It happened before to my elder brother ,, a F***** Prof. from the Faculty of Science was about to ruin his future ,, but thank God he went to America and there he became a Doctor ,,

maybe you're asking why I'm mad ?
ok ,, I'll answer you
it's because in Kuwait University the Doctor is almost like God ,, don't start your " ast'3fr allah " stuff because I know it's not the best way to describe but believe me ,, they have protection against everything ,, they can rape students in the class and the students will be blamed for being raped by a ghost !!
Yes ,, you can't question them for anything ,, either for grading or for what they teach or the way they behave or even the way they treat you, and my father is a peaceful man ,, he will blame me and tell me maybe you miss understood him ,, no Dad ,, if you're reading this believe me ,, I'm innocent

For now there will be no actions ,, I just want to pass this course ,, graduate next year ,, then ,, I have to straight some people up :)

Thank you all ,, :)


~ تيمــاء said...

استغفر الله شنو هذا صك على دكاترة الحقوق ..

بصراحة جامعة الكويت قمة المسخرة شنو أكثر من دكتور يدش أول السنة على طلبته و يقول الأي للـــه و البي لي و السي لكم يعني الأول على الدفعة و اللي عايد المادة كلهم عنده نفس الشي

للأسف قاعدين نشوف فسااااد كبير في جامعة الكويت خاصةً الدكاترة و ماحد يحرك ساكن

اليوم حاشني موقف يقهرر مع دكتوري الأخ حاط علينا حطه من أول السنة و الميدتيرم الأول المتفوقين حاط لهم 10 من 15

و العاديين حاط لهم 7 و 5 و 2 و المشكلة كلنا ناسخين الكتاب له نسخ والأغلبية نفس الإجابات بالضبط بس ما أدري اهو حاط السؤال شنو يبي و على أي أساس قاعد يصحح و يفرق بالدرجات

و الميدتيرم الثاني أجلته أنا و جم بنية و علق إعلان إنه اليوم يبينا الساعة 10 لما رحنا جان يقعدنا و يسألنا @@ قلنا له احنا مو مراجعين احنا جايين عشان تحط لنا موعد للامتحان قال لأ أدائج ألحين يدل على مستواج طول السنة طبعا طلعنا منه و احنا متأكدين إنه حاط لنا صفر .. طردنا بدون لا يعطينا فرصة نناقشه أو نعرف جم حط لنا و شي طبيعي إنه بنعيد المادة أو بأحسن الأحوال يمكن نطلع فيها تكميلي (دور ثاني) و مشاكل هالدكاترة مااااا تخلص

Bloggerista said...

الله يعينك على جامعة الكويت

but you don't have an option now but to try to calm down and let it go and be the bigger person, neither complaining nor confronting him will help.

so may i ask what is Hyponomy and Co-Hyponomy?

Kuwait said...

ضيم :\

나다 said...

عاد دكاترة الانجليزي بالجامعه اغلبهم محترمين الا جم واحد ومعروفين
دكاترة الجامعه من ناحية الجريدات بصراحة مو شي ! يعني اشد حيلي واخرتها احصل جريد اقل من اللي استاهلها بوايد يعني خذيت مادة عند دكتورة بالصيف اللي فات والله اني كنت احضر قبل الوقت واهي كانت تحضر لما يمر نص الوقت بالضبط!! وبالميدتيرم درجتي كانت عالية ولا غبت ولا محاضرة وتعبت على البروجكت مالي وسلمته مبجر حتى انه البنات اللي سلموا البروجكت عقبي باقوا فكرتي!
والفاينل دارستله اسبووووووووع كامل يعني عمري مادرست هالكثر حق مادة واخرتها تحطلي سي !!
والله صج بطت جبدي
ولما كلمت البنات اللي كانوا معاي بالمادة قالولي انها تقييم البنات على حسب عائلتهم اذا كانوا من نفس عائلتها تعطيهم اي !!
في ظلم اكثر من جذي والله كل يوم ادعي عليها
وهالكورس الله بلاني بدكتور نفس طريقتها معطيني جريد نازل مع اني كاتبتله كل شي ولا شي ناقص بس على كيفه !!

بس بكلمه وماراح اسكت عن حقي !!
Bottom line is : u do ur best inshallah oo ed3o rabik oo allah ywafgick n about the insult why didn't u talk to him after the class? 3la ela8al eaplain to him that u understand what he said n all oo he shouldnt really make fun of u

best of luck

Candy said...
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Candy said...

قمة الحقـــــــــارة !!!!
i suffer too from this [Dr.O] in our college,i was relieved the he only tuaght us last semester and am not gonna see his face,BUT nooo he will teach us if i want to continue my bachelor degree!! <_<

bas wallah enah 7a8eer sho dog @@ oho el chalb.

yaa it true that we are under their feet,its not only in Kuwait university,it happens everwhere,& we don't hv the right to fight or argue!
Dr. O i remember a graduated gurl told me that she challenged him by defending herself coz they fought over a silly thing,at the end she said: i don't care about ur corse.
o chan te6la3 mn el class,chan eygoleha:see you next semester!!!
see whoever challenge such ppl,nehaytah el rosob..

Cuteandcuddly said...

i am really sorry to here that :(
but you did the right thing by ignoring his insult :)
yalla inshalla you pass th class and dont have to see his face again :)

Unknown said...

Some people don't know how to respect themselves, so don't expect them to respect others!!
Profs are the same all around. They want the students to (listen + shut up) or in other words: La asma3 La ara La atkalam!!!
Best of luck for you until you graduate :)


P.S: I tried to comment with my wordpress account but it's not allowed in your blog :)

Don Juan said...


ويييييييه انتي نفس حالة وحده اعرفها
الدكتور بالحقوق مغير الكتاب و مو قايلهم و بالميدتيرم ما يدرون شيكتبون و لما راحوله جان يقولهم هذا اهمال منكم :/
مسخرة و رب الكعبة ماكو لا حسيب ولا رقيب عليهم !!



Hyponomy = words that are kind of something ,, for examply ,, Under the word animal comes dogs ,, cats etc ,, and Co-Hyponomy is the realtion of things under the main type or genre ,, for example ,, under dog you have Bulldogs ,, GreyHounds ,, German Shepherd etc ,, that's Co-Hyponomy

you understand ? ;D

Don Juan said...





تقييم العوايل هذا ما شفته للحين عندنا بالآداب ,, بس سمعت عنه انه منتشر بشكل ناااري بشويخ خصوصاً بالحقوق و الإدارية !!
الله يعين ,, مادري رايحين تدرسون ولا تناسبونهم :/

Don Juan said...


7ta bl Emarat el Docs. are untouchable ? @@
m9eeeeba ,, bro7 ashtreli PHD 3ayal :/



Hopefully ,, I've a midterm next week :)

Don Juan said...


yeah ,, do you suggest that we show them how to respect the others ? ;D

okay I'll open the anonymous comments :) but use this nickname so that I can know you ;D

Bloggerista said...

no :P

Pure said...

وااي علــي ! احس ضغطي ارتفع :@

وين الاحترام !

بس تدري .. هالشي يدل على مستوى اخلاقه !

و الله عيب !

و مرة ثانيه قلت عيب و انا ما احب هالكلمة

صج .. عيب !

Don Juan said...


what's wrong with the word " 3eib " ? :/