ummmm ,, since The Queen of Sheba2 awarded me with the Butterfly Award ,, I find myself obligated to name another 10 coooool blogs ;D
the thing is that ,, I'm not going to number them ,, soo yeah you're all equal to me ,, I love you all ;D
- Palomino : a great girl ,, a great personality ,, a great blog ,, what can I say more ?? ;)
- Balqees : soooooo natural ,, sooooo innocent ,, sooooo 88 ;Pp because we're born in 1988 ;D
- Sn3a : The Greatest Engineer of all times ;D
- Fashionista : one of the most amazing critics in blogger.com ,, she has her own unique style ;D
- Little Jouja : she's quite lazy in the time being but she's one of the greats ;D
- Mantovani : The Classy Gentleman ;)
- Pure : although she's still fresh ,, yet each time I visit her blog I feel like i'm in another world ,, love you girl ;)
- عثماني : WOOOOW ,, JUST WOOOW ;)
- فريج سعود : another great blogger ;)
- ma6qooq : last but not least ,, one of the greats ;)
since Twinkle and 5roofa are no longer active bloggers ,, don't know why ,, I found myself unable to inlist their names ,, although their blogs are GREAT blogs that contains GREAT posts ;)
Ciao KaKa :'(
We're gonna miss you KaKaO :'(
ladies RULE ;)
oh i'm flattered ;$
thanks :)
لوول ثانكس
احرجتم تواضعنا
Thank you all for passing by :)
oOoW :$
that's so soo sooo sweeeeeeet :$
و الله يا علي كل مرة تكبر معزتك عندي أكثر .. لأني عارفة أنه معدنك طيب .. و مثل ما كل مرة أقولك أنت رجل و الرجال قليل .. و الله إلي يعرفك لازم يفتخر .. فيك الصفاء .. إلي نادر وجوده بالبشر
طبعك ذهب .. أفتخر فيك
جذي تحرجيني والله مادري شرد عليج :$
والله انتي الي الواحد يفتخر فيج بصراحة و انا سعيد جداً اني اعرف انسانة مثلج بصفائج و حلاوة طبعج و حسج و فوق كل هذا تفكيرج الي يسبق عمرج :)
You made me speechless :)
thank u :******************
and we are so 88 arn't we :P
yes we are ,, we never grow up ;Pp
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